Micro-Grant Webinar & FAQs

SGA held a pre-proposal webinar on March 19, 2024 to present details of the Micro-Grant Program eligibility requirements, the application process and timeline, and to answer questions from interested applicants. 


Do you have a question that you don't see here? Email us at youthmicrogrants@sga-youth.org
5:00 PM CDT on April 4, 2024 is the deadline for questions.
All Q&As will be posted on this page.


On this page, you will find:

  1.  A link to a PDF file of the webinar slides
  2.  A video recording of the webinar
  3. Questions and answers


SGA's Micro-Grant Program Webinar: March 19, 2024





Micro-Grant FAQs


What should I include in the budget portion of my application?
  • The budget should only reflect program/event-related costs and expenses. This could include program supplies, a contractor or other staff who work directly with the youth, any field trips or food expenses that are part of the program, youth stipends, or event-related or program-related supplies. Line items that are not directly related to the program, including salaries, operating costs, capital expenses, or admin costs, are NOT allowable. The maximum grant amount is $10,000 so please make sure that your budget does not exceed $10,000.

Also, please be detailed. Expenses need to be broken down and justified. Be very clear about how the funds are needed and justified for the program/event for which you seek Micro-Grant funding. For example, if a staff member is included in the budget for $2,500, the calculations must be shown in the budget template and then explained in the following narrative field.

For example:

Column A: Staff: Part-Time Youth Group Leader

Column B: $25/hour for 10 hours/week for 10 weeks

Column C: $2500

This also applies to other program supplies and materials. Instead of “Program Supplies” for a total of $1,000, list the supplies, prices, and quantities, and explain how they will be used during the program (For example, basketballs: "We will purchase a quantity of 20 basketballs, $35/each, for our youth participants for a total of $700).

Do I include my organization budget or the complete program budget in the application?
  • No. The application requires a budget ONLY for what is being funded. Please do not enter your organizational budget in the budget section of the application. The budget should only include the items that the grant will cover that are directly related to program operations.
Is the budget scored?
  • Yes. Reviewers will evaluate and score the budget section. Applicants can refer to pages 7-8 of the NOFO for all Selection Criteria. When completing the budget section, we advise applicants to keep these questions in mind:
  1. Is the budget complete? Did I fill out all the required fields in the template? Is everything entered correctly?
  2. Is the budget reasonable? Do the entries “make sense” and correspond to the program description?
  3. Are all the items justified? Do I explain in detail how the funds are needed and would be used if awarded?
  4. Does the total amount in the budget template match the total amount of requested funding?
Are organizations that have an overall budget larger than $1M but a sub-location that the program and grant would go to with a budget smaller than $1M still encouraged to apply? 
  • There is no limit on the budget size of an organization that can apply. The funding is intended for smaller organizations, but there is no limit on who can apply.
What is a certificate of insurance (COI)?
  • A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is a document provided by your insurance provider that details the amount of insurance coverage that your organization has. The requirements for this opportunity are listed in the NOFO (page 11): We require Commercial General Liability of not less than $1 million and Sexual Abuse and Molestation insurance. Often the Sexual Abuse and Molestation insurance is covered in the Commercial General Liability insurance, but applicants will need to verify if that’s the case.
Regarding Insurance: Is the sexual abuse and molestation insurance a separate policy from the general liability?
  • It can be, but it can often be included in the Commercial General Liability.
Can we propose services at an outdoor location? If we do, and the weather is bad, can we move the proposed activities to another region?
  • Outdoor programming is allowed. We know that the weather is hard to predict. We expect within your proposal you include a plan of how you will move the programming to an indoor area in case of inclement weather.

What if our clients come from those regions but our physical location falls outside the highlighted regions?
  • To be eligible, the program activities must take place in that specific region.

Only once to one region? What about an application with an org that will collaborate and a grant only from our org for a different program than a collaborative application?
  • An applicant can only apply once per region. An applicant can participate with another organization if they have also applied, been awarded, and agree to a partnership as demonstrated in their application.
Where do we verify our address and community area?
Does "Opportunity Youth who are out of school" refer to any youth that live within the target geographies and are not attending school, including after-school times, and school break times?
Are SYEP delegate agencies able to act as fiscal sponsors?
  • Yes, being a SYEP delegate agency does not prohibit you from acting as a fiscal sponsor.
How long does it take for the reimbursements to be paid? Can we submit for reimbursement as it is spent, monthly, or only until programming is completed?
  • We intend to reimburse quickly, at least monthly, and possibly more frequently. The reimbursement schedule also depends on programming – we imagine some projects may be one-time events where all expenses are completed quickly and everything would be reimbursed at the same time, but we also expect there to be ongoing programming where expenses will be submitted multiple times, as makes sense for the grantee, and reimbursed as quickly as possible.
Can the grant be used for a capital purchase for a program, for example, a van?
  • Capital expenses are not allowable. Small equipment purchases may be allowable if they are specifically used for this small, contained project, and very well-justified within the program and the budget.
Would the organization still be eligible if they also work with participants older than 24? (In addition to the aforementioned age range?)
  • The Micro-Grant Program must serve youth from 6 to 24 and funds may only be used to serve youth program participants within this age range.
Can it be a focused group, for example, youth that are LGBTQ in the foster care system?
  • Yes, absolutely.
Does the existing program have to be enhanced or augmented if it already fits within the MCMF mission?
  • This funding cannot be used for general operating support, but it can be used for existing programs. The applicant would need to explain that the request will be used to support a specific project that serves youth ages 6 to 24 and is NOT a request for general operating support if you are not asking for an enhancement or new funding.
Are letters of support able to be included in the application?
  • No. Letters of support are not required and there is no option to include them in the application. We cannot accept additional materials.
If you submit early, are you given feedback on how the application was graded?
  • No.
Can an LLC apply with a nonprofit as a fiscal agent?
  • The nonprofit would have to be the main applicant who could partner/collaborate with the LLC.
Will there be additional funding to support other communities not listed?
  • No, these are the eligible strategy regions outlined by DFSS and there is no additional funding for other areas for this program. Programming must take place in the region for which you apply.
Is there a cap for applying to different regions?
  • There is no cap, but an organization can only apply once per region and must provide the funded youth services in a physical location within the region(s).
In the NOFO, pages 8-9 there is a section about reporting. P.9 "Recipients feel that the micro-grant contributed to a stronger community youth ecosystem..." Is that feedback gathered via the survey of participants mentioned later in the paragraph? Is this a pre-post survey series or just a post-survey? Any other reporting requirements for these programs?
  • There will be a post-survey for both applicants and youth participants that will be provided to awarded organizations. The reporting requirements will be straightforward and the reporting forms will be available to complete in Submittable.
Is there a goal for the number of youth served by the program?
  • There is no requirement on the number of youth to be served by the program, but applicants will need to explain how many youth will be served. The program description should detail this and the number of youth served should make sense (for example, a one-time community event may serve many youths versus a smaller, more intensive program that serves fewer).
I have a new organization that is waiting on its determination letter.  Can I still qualify?  I have the EIN.
  • Proof of non-profit status, the determination letter, will be required before any funds are disbursed. You can apply without the determination letter if you believe it is likely you will receive the letter by the time funds are awarded. If you are awarded but do not have the determination letter, we will be unable to provide the funding. Alternatively, you can apply with a fiscal sponsor using their determination letter.
Are stipends for youth for summer programming allowed as a program expense?
  • Youth stipends are allowable, yes.
Can programming happen outside as the location?
  • Yes, programming can take place outdoors as long as it takes place within the strategy region and there is an address for the location.
What if you have two non-profits working out of one location?  Can we apply for both non-profits?  Each has its own EIN
  • Yes, each nonprofit can apply as long as each organization has its own programming.
Does programming have to be after school or out of school?
  • Programming must take place during out-of-school time. This could be Saturday programming, a summer camp, or other seasonal program, for example. Programming may not take place during the school day.
Applications are for programs that already have funding because this is reimbursement?
  • Yes
I have a nonprofit based in one region but also have programming in two other regions. Can I apply for all three regions in my application?
  • No. An organization may only submit one application per region. In this case, three applications would need to be submitted, one for each region, and the organization needs to have a physical address in each region or an MOU with a partner site that grants access to a program site within the region.
Can a non-profit with two locations, one within the project region, both with the same EIN but different names,.. both apply for the grant if we serve within the project region?
  • No, this would qualify as one entity.
Is there a certain amount that can be allocated to staff?
  • There’s no cap/limit to the amount allocated to staff, but it needs to be reasonable and well justified within the program description and the budget narrative/justification sections. ONLY staff time spent on this specific project is allowable.
Can an organization working with an alternative high school that has students from eight different strategy regions apply eight times to represent each student’s neighborhood?
  • No. The application can only be for the region where there is a physical address where the funded programming will occur.
Can the budget include staff time for planning? Or only time for execution and implementation?
  • This is allowable as long as the staff planning time is justifiable and proportionate to the scale of the program or event. We do ask for a program timeline as part of the Narrative questions. If some planning time is expected, it can be included in the timeline and you could include staff time in the budget, as long as it is justified and well explained.
What is the timeframe for the program?
  • Programming must take place between June and December 2024.
Can a nonprofit outside of a region apply if the program takes place within the region?
  • Yes, the nonprofit can apply only if they have an MOU with another organization. The MOU must state that the applicant has permission to use the other organization’s address that is within the region.



Do you have a question that you don't see here? Email us at youthmicrogrants@sga-youth.org

5:00 PM CDT on April 4, 2024 is the deadline for questions.

All Q&As will be posted on this page.