Organization and Program Eligibility Requirements
Successful applicants and their proposed programs must meet the eligibility requirements listed below:
Non-profit Status/Fiscal Sponsor:
Applicants must be a tax-exempt nonprofit organization or have a fiscal sponsor. If a fiscal sponsor is used, the applicant must certify in the application that the fiscal sponsor is aware of the application and has agreed to receive and disburse the funds on the applicant’s behalf if awarded.
Certificate of Insurance (COI):
As a condition of receiving grant funding, applicants who are awarded a grant will need to provide a valid Certificate of Insurance (COI). Additional insurance information can be found in the NOFO.
Unique Entity ID (UEI):
All organizations or their fiscal sponsors must have a Unique Entity ID (UEI) (12-character alphanumeric ID assigned to an entity by, since the Micro-Grant program funding is supported by federal funding via the City of Chicago. To obtain a UEI, follow the steps in the Quick Start Guide for Getting a Unique Entity ID (linked below) or see the additional information in the NOFO.
Physical Address:
The applicant organization or a partner agency must have a physical address where the programming will take place within one of the 15 MCMF Community Strategy Regions covering 19 Community Areas listed in the table below.
Please note: **Each organization can submit only ONE application per Community Strategy Region**
Please verify that the program's physical address is located within a Community Strategy Region using the City of Chicago Boundaries - Community Areas Map